Annotated Bibliography: Action Research Proposal
Bluman, A. G. (2005). Math Word Problems Demystified. New York: McGraw-Hill.
The book gives a wider perspective on how word problems can be solved through different working formulas. The examples provided in the book helps student to understand word problem in depth before working on the equations.
The book is related to the research since it also talks about different math problems and through different working formulas. The examples provided in the book helps the researcher in understanding student’s performance and how it is impacted in every single step.
Mostly, the book talks about the problem solving techniques developed by the authors. For example, some of these include making of lists and drawing of pictures.
Although the research question has not been clearly articulated, the main question that is being answered is, what are the basic steps involving when solving word related problems?
In order to answer this question, the author’s assumes a classroom context where the students are supposed to follow each of the steps being taught.
Since this is a book and not an actual research, the participants are the authors, who assume the role of a teacher and the reader acts as the student since he/she is the one supposed to understand the study.
Based on the authors’ conclusion, the problem solving techniques explained can be helpful in solving word related problems.
A look at the study in relation to my study shows some similarities. The two studies are concerned with word solving techniques and how they can help students in solving word related problems.
Gersten, R. M., & Gonchar, R. (2011). Understanding RTI in Mathematics: Proven Methods and Applications. Los Alamitos, Calif.: Instructional Research Group.
The book is related to my research topic since it helps in identifying when a student has a math related problem and when a student is good in word related problems. This pertains to my topic since to confirm that most students have problems in the problem solving. The book also guides researchers in the areas related to mathematics meaning that the research being undertaken can learn from what the authors have to offer. The book revolves around explaining how various word methods can be used towards solving different mathematical equations to the students.
Although the research question is not clearly articulated, the book tries to answer the question, what are the most effective practices in relation to related to response to intervention (RTI) in mathematics that can be used to make complicated framework a bit simpler. Since this is not an actual research study, the book does not have a clear explanation about the context of the explanation. However, it is clear that the book have been created for researchers and professionals in the mathematics area.
The participants in this book are meant to be researchers and practitioners in the area of mathematics. Based on the book, the use of the techniques explained helps in effective implementation of good learning techniques by practitioners. This study is related to the proposed study since both are concerned with various mathematics techniques and how they can be used in improving student learning.
James, A. N., & Allison, S. B. (2014). Active Lessons For Active Brains Teaching Boys And Other Experiential Learners, Grades 3-10.. New York: Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
The contents of this book are related to the research topic since it talks about solving difficult word problems. Just like the topic suggests, the book gives a pictorial guidance to students on how to solve difficult word problems with lessons on each and every topic covered.
The question that the book is trying to answer is what are the teaching strategies used in a math class. The book takes place in a classroom context since it involves the explanation of the strategies used by the authors in the class while teaching problem solving related subjects. For each article: The participants in this book are students and the authors who in the classroom context acts as professional instructors. Based on the authors’ conclusion, various strategies can be used to aid learning. However, experiential learners are likely to benefit from good strategies.
This book is similar to the study being conducted since both talks about different problem solving techniques and how they are useful in helping learners.
Khatri, D. S., & Hughes, A. O. (2012). Math Remediation For The College Bound: How Teachers Can Close The Gap, From The Basics Through Algebra. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
The book is related to the topic since it elaborate issues which can help teachers and students work on word problems through worked examples. They also give guidance to word problem by providing additional exercise and answers for each and every exercise. The book talks about closing the gap that exists between math and algebra. By doing so, the book helps in closing the gap needed in order for a student to become proficient in math. The authors argue that the teacher has a role of choosing the best math topic for his student in order to help them in building concepts. However, this is best done without the use of calculators as the students are supposed to be taught how to think critically when solving math problems. Since this is a book and not a research study, there is no specific question. Instead, the authors are just trying to explain ways in which students can be helped to build important math concepts in order to enhance their math skills. The context of this book is among high school who are in their final year and first year college students. The participants in this book are college students and high school students who are in their final year and who are required to join college after completing their studies. Based on the conclusion of this book, teachers have the capability of building necessary concepts and also building necessary skills in order to enhance learning.
The book is related to the research study as both are interested in enhancing math learning among students.
Martiniello, M. (2007). Linguistic Complexity and Differential Item Functioning (DIF) For English Language Learners (ELL) In Math Word Problems. New York, NY: Oxford University.
This dissertation is related to the study in question since it talks about how students can relate language with mathematic in their daily activity. Apart from talking about language and mathematics, elaborates and presents simple worked out examples with the main aim of helping students work on word problems in regards to mathematics without much difficulty.
The dissertation revolves around the question of linguistic complexity of the 4th grade test in MCAS’. The other question revolves around IRT DIF measures and complexity in linguistic in this area. The dissertation takes the context of the classroom setting.
The participants of this study are fourth grades in Massachusetts. The study’s finding is that professionals have the capability of helping students in relating language with mathematic in their daily activity for maximum learning results. The study is similar to the research being conducted as both deals with things that can impact a child’s learning including language.
Mink, D. V. (2010). Strategies for Teaching Mathematics. Huntington Beach, CA: Shell Education.
The book is related to the study topic since it talks about t teaching procedures and strategies related to mathematical problems. This is similar to the topic as it talks about the seven ropes method, which is one of the teaching strategies that is used in teaching math.
This book is a guide book for both teachers and students who have difficulty in working out word problems. The book is based on the concept that teachers have the capability of improving learning among students and this can only be done using the best strategies. Therefore, the authors work to compile these strategies in order to act as a guide to teachers. The book does not have a clear research question, but its idea revolves around mathematical teaching strategies. The book’s context is in a mathematical classroom. The participants are students and teachers who need good strategies that can help learners. Based on the conclusion of this book, the presented strategies provide maximum learning results among students. The book and the research study are related since both are looking at the best strategy that can be used to enhance learning in a math class.
Nelson, R. (2004). Problem Solving and Word Problems. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers.
The book is related to the research topic since it shows different methods of solving word problem in regards to mathematics.
Apart from presenting different problem solving techniques, the book also guides an individual on what should be expected before working on any given math problem.
The book is based on the idea that math problems can be solved using various techniques. The study deals with math problem in a classroom context.
The participants, in this case are teachers and their fellow students. Based on the conclusion, different strategies can be used in solving math related problems.
The book is similar to this study since both presents different strategies that can be used in solving math related problems.
Shea, T. (2007). The Great Barrier Reef Using Graphs and Charts to Solve Word Problems. New York: Rosen Pub., Group.
The study is related to the research topic since it talks about various techniques used in handling equations using graphical representations besides other methods of solving word problems. The main idea from this book, which can be summarized into a research question is that graphical representations is the best strategy of solving equations. The book explains learning that takes place in various context such as the human body and the world geography and other interesting areas that use math.
The book focuses on scientists and other explorers who are interested in simplifying math related problems using graphs. Based on the book’s conclusion, graphical representations are the best methods of simplifying math related problem. Both my study and the focus of this book are similar since both wants to simplify math. The only difference is that my study is for learners and teachers in the area of math.
Westwood, P. S. (2007). Commonsense Methods For Children With Special Educational Needs (5th Ed.). London: Routledge.
The book is related to the topic as it talks about solving word problems in calculation. The study also gives numerous types of examples which require an individual to use his or her commonsense in working on the problem.
Unlike most of the discussed works, this work deals with children with learning difficulties and the authors argue that they can be helped if simple learning methods are used. The book is based on the idea that simple learning methods can be used to enhance learning among students with learning difficulties. The book is explained in the context of a classroom with children with learning difficulties. The participants of this book are teachers and students with special needs. Based on the conclusion presented by the authors, children with special need can learn if simple learning methods in areas such as math can be utilized.
The book is related to the research study since both are interested in simplifying learning among students. However, the study in the book is different since it concentrates on students with disabilities.
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