Thesis Antithesis Synthesis

Have you ever heard about the dialectics suggested by the philosopher Georg Hegel? It may sound unexpected, but it can be applied in the sphere of writing as well. Thus, a combination of thesis antithesis synthesis is known as Hegelian Dialectic. The literary techniques of thesis and antithesis are used in lectures, debates, or certain discourses. Thus, a thesis can be defined as a theory needed for a particular discussion, while antithesis is its opposite as it is a point made in contrast. As the meaning of anti’ as a prefix is ‘against’, a thesis synthesis antithesis implies the idea of the opposition aspect. The rhetorical device of an antithesis is needed to change the readers’ opinions using a set of opinions or ideas. Some points in a debatable topic about politics, literature, or some other sphere can be highlighted with two opposite statements. For sure, if the writer presents two points of view, the readers will be more confident in his knowledge and understanding of the subject.
Here, we are going to present an argumentative tool that is applied in composing essays with impressive efficiency.
The triad of thesis, antithesis, synthesis is typically presented like this:
- Thesis – a theory that needs to be proved or certified
- Antithesis – a theory that contradicts the above mentioned
- Synthesis – a solution to the existing conflict via forming a new idea
First of all, you have to gain an insight into the definitions of the presented concepts.
Thesis: How to Define It
Every debate or study starts with presenting a thesis, which is actually an introduction to the raised topic. Viewing a discussed issue in a commonly accepted way is typically done in a thesis. One of its definitions is a theory of the philosophers that the majority accepts. A thesis is a must-have in a speech or a written paper and it allows the writer to look at the positive aspects of the discussed topic. In politics, the subject matter of the thesis is called the status quo and it is actually what the readers believe is normal and accepted.
Antithesis: How to Define It
The opposition of the thesis is the antithesis and that is apparent from the availability of the prefix -anti. Naturally, its role is in being the opposite of the thesis, facilitating making statements emotional or bringing out essential reasons in a debate. For instance, the thesis in a famous statement of Neil Armstrong was his single small step made for the man on the moon, and the antithesis was a giant leap made for mankind. Thus, he managed to create an image of the huge importance of his achievement for all people. He managed to emphasize how valuable his walk on the moon was for humanity with a bright image created in his phrase. As a type of rhetoric, an antithesis can be used to persuade the readers and highlight emotional reactions. A combination of thesis antithesis synthesis is popular among politicians and writers as they know that it can enable them to stir the readers’ emotions and appeal to their interests. Also, students are sometimes asked to write a thesis antithesis synthesis essay.
Thesis Antithesis Synthesis (TAS): How to Connect Them
Hegel claimed that the result of a combination of a thesis and an antithesis is a synthesis, and his dialectics implied using opposing ideas with a contradictory series of events. Thus, the starting point is the thesis, the reaction is the antithesis, and the outcome is the synthesis.
Value of the Triad
The persuasive character of TAS can be explained through the following aspects:
- Turning the complicated arguments into an easy structure of three constituents. Simplification of arguments with lots of complex nuances is done in a concise manner with maximum clarity for the readers. The topic can be explained in a simple manner only if the writer is really skillful.
- Giving a balanced argument by making the objection stronger. The readers do not like when they are treated in a neglecting manner. One-sided arguments are not enough for quality writing; thus, the doubts get their voice through a triad of TAS. They see that their doubts are addressed being sure that the conclusion is objective and well-grounded.
- Making the conclusion inevitable. The writer should get clear answers to the questions, “what does thesis mean?” “what does antithesis mean?” to build the most effective conclusion and get the logical and well-structured text for the readers on the basis of TAS. The culmination of using this technique is making all the doubts voiced and all strong ideas challenged in writing. Thus, as a result, the conclusion appears to be really impressive and valid.
Applying TAS in Writing
You can use TAS in two different ways: 1) you can incorporate it in the introductory part; 2) you can apply it throughout the structure of the text.
Have a look at the essay format below:
Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis
Actually, this strategy is also applicable in business: the idea is presented – thesis; the objections are given (antithesis), and then all the statements are summed up (synthesis).
Keep in mind that you cannot express your ideas before you have presented the interpretation of the opinions from both sides. That is a powerful strategy as you demonstrate that you are well aware of what you are talking about. Knowing the synthesis definition, you make your writing stronger and your grades for writing assignments much higher.
Stage 1: Present the selected problem. Let the readers know the problem to be discussed or the topic raised via:
- asking a question to be addressed
- making an implication
- presenting the key theme
If the topic you need to write about is too general, you have to refer to TAS meaning, turn this topic into a problem and write an effective problem statement.
It is essential to realize that you are building your text on the basis of a certain problem. You can proceed to the next stage only after you have made sure that the organization of the text is perfect. Even if you can define synthesis dialectical method easily, you should start by composing an outline and choosing the best examples for the research.
Stage 2: Give the thesis. Start with an argument that has three main examples and several additional examples as its support. Structure them properly, starting from the easiest ones, and make sure that each of the examples contributed to your effective argument in the essay thesis.
Stage 3: Give the antithesis. Follow the same structure for the opposing argument. Do not forget about the main examples and additional examples.
Stage 4: Give the synthesis as the combination of the above.
Stage 5: Prepare the introductory part and conclusion. In the introduction, you will give the problem statement and identify the topic as it is done in Stage 1. Explain the structure of your essay as well. So, you may write “I will analyze … in the first section. I will focus on … in the second section. I will go on to … in the third section, and so on).
In conclusion, refer to the basis of dialectics theory and present your own opinion. Give a summary of the thesis and antithesis in brief and make your text sound really powerful. Your opinion should be based on the made summary and answer the question asked in the section that presents the problem.
Rely on the thesis and antithesis rhetorical device and appeal to the intellect of your readers. Help them understand the background of your research by adding a list of sources or a bibliography of your work.