Exclusive Cause and Effect Essay Topics
The main peculiarity of a cause and effect essay is uncovering the reasons for a particular issue. One should undertake in-depth research to gather enough data about the discussed matter. Only in this case it will be possible to examine the issue thoroughly. No matter the cause and effect essay topics, first, it is necessary to identify the factors that have caused a particular situation. Then, one should discover the connection between the cause and effect of a specific matter. Finally, it is required to outline the consequences the issue may lead to.
Helpful Essay Writing Tips
The following prompts will help you create an exclusive essay on the chosen topic.
• Analyze the question. Thus, you will understand what method to use to explore the issue and how to write a cause essay clearly highlighting the chief point.
• Focus on the selected subject. It will help you formulate the main idea.
• Introduce the matter you are going to analyze in the opening paragraph.
• Create a thesis statement which is the very answer to the research question.
Vast Collection of Topics
Due to the immense diversity of topics for cause and effect essay, it is often very hard to choose a good one for your own paper. However, we will help you arrive at a right decision. Below, we have compiled a list of interesting cause and effect essay writing subjects, so that it is easier for you to pick a fascinating topic for your work.
• The Consequences of Pollution
• Ocean Changes
• The Effects of Human Rights Movement
• Fast Food: Influence on People’s Health
• Children’s Addiction to the Internet
• Sports in the USA
• The Impact of Professional Sport on Teenagers
• The Consequences of Taking Drugs
• Emotional Abuse
• Children from One-Parent Families
• School Bullying and Children’s Nervous System
• Countries Aggressors in the Modern World
• Classical Music and Human Brain
• Sexual Relationship at a Young Age
• Why women maintain troubled relationship?
• The Consequences of Floods
• Mass Media and Children’s Psychological Development
• Poverty Trap
• Nervous Tension and Health
• Alcohol and Mental Development
• How has my favorite movie changed my life?
• The Impact of War in Syria on the USA
• Smoking and Pregnancy
• Why do people lie?
• Genetically Engineered Food and Health
• Hurricanes: Causes and Effects
• The Causes of Racial Discrimination
• Globalization and World Economy
• Why have you chosen your major?
• Why do people use credit cards?
• Terrorism: Causes and Effects
• How to become an excellent mother/professor/sportsman?
• Homeschooling: Causes and Effects
• The Causes of Heart Attack
• WWII: Reasons and Consequences
• The Consequences of Internet Dating
• Uber and Taxi Services
• Healthy Relationship and Health
• Travelling and Personal Development
Personal Relationships
• Why do people divorce?
• How does divorce influence children? Does child’s age matter?
• How does divorce influence children’s comprehension of such notion as “family”?
• Is it possible to build strong relationship at a distance?
• Does a common life before marriage influence relationship?
• Why are men afraid of responsibilities?
• How has the feminist movement changed the viewpoint of both genders on dating?
• The Influence of Abortion on Personal Relationship
• Why do children fight with their parents?
• How does mass media impact family relationship?
• What are the reasons for sibling rivalry?
• How does maternity leave influence one’s career?
• The Connection between a Successful Marriage and Health
• Does holding college degrees ensure a happy marriage?
• The Role of Grandparents in Bringing up Children
• What makes teenagers live an active sexual life?
• The Effect of Father-Daughter Relationship on that between a Girl and her Boyfriend
• The Pros and Cons of Being a Twin
• The Effect of “One Child” Policy Adopted by Chine on Families. How will a “Two Children” policy influence the growth of population?
• The Impact of Parents’ Wealth on Children
• Why do parents make children undertake too many activities?
• What makes a family friendly?
• The Impact of Family Holidays on the Relationship between Its Members
Difficulties the Society Encounters
• Why are children considered the poorest social group?
• The Reasons for Poverty in the USA
• The Influence of Poverty on Raising Children
• Why do people become homeless?
• How does the lack of food influence child development?
• What are the causes of increased adoption rates in Western countries?
• The Effect of News Informing about Natural Disasters or Terroristic Attacks on Children
• The Role of Non-Profit Organizations in Solving Social Problems
• Giving Birth to Children at the Retirement Age: Causes and Effects
• Why are there more underweight men than women?
• The Effect of Religion on Society
• How does the poor quality of water impact people across the globe?
• How do people who do not wear shoes due to inability to afford them impact the rest of the society?
• Why do disabled people face many problems when looking for a job?
Medicine and Health
• What are the causes of obesity? Why has the number of overweight adults in the USA increased greatly during the last decade? What effect will such an increase make on the healthcare system?
• Why does the number of children suffering from autism increase?
• What problems does the lack of medical insurance causes? How does it influence people’s health?
• Why do people ignore visiting doctors when they have health problems?
• Why do people stop taking the prescribed medicine before complete recovery? What is the effect of such unreasonable actions on people’s health?
• Why do people refuse to vaccinate their children and what is the impact of such decision on their children’s health?
• Why do HIV/AIDS spread in Africa? What effect can it produce?
• The Connection between the Climate Change and Infectious Diseases
• How does the globalization influence the spread of dangerous diseases?
• What are the causes of such diseases as HIV and malaria? Why is it hard to fight these diseases?
• How does nervous tension impact one’s health?
• Is it necessary to do cancer research? Does it help stop the disease?
• What factors cause cancer?
• Why is pancreatic cancer considered a fatal disease?
• Why is it complicated to cure cancer?
• Why do people start searching for non-standard methods for treating different illnesses? Is Chinese medicine more effective than the Western one?
• The influence of abortions on the ability of women to have children?
• How do different birth control methods impact women’s health?
• How do regular visits to dentist help improve oral health?
• What are the causes of blindness?
• What issues cause different allergies?
• What is the influence of the excessive use of modern gadgets on people’s health?
• What are the main causes of cardiovascular disease?
• In what way do physical exercises influence our body and health?
• What makes people start living a healthy life?
• Why do many people promoting a healthy way of living have an excess weight?
• How does wearing braces on teeth influence interpersonal communication?
Mass Media and Modern Technologies
• How does the use of cellular phones impact teenagers?
• What makes people buy too many cell phone plans offered by different providers?
• What is the impact of violent computer games on teenagers?
• How do playing online games effect elderly people?
• Do people spend more money when they do online shopping?
• How do mass media and news impact teenagers’ relationship between each other?
• What are the causes and consequences of cyber bullying?
• Why do social networks become less popular?
• How do such social networks as Instagram and Facebook impact teenagers?
• Why are video games popular?
• What is the difference between smartphones, tablets and computers? Does using a particular device influence the way we surf the Internet?
• Does typing on a screen differ from that on a keyboard? How does it affect the communication between online users?
• What are the reasons for high rates of popularity of Google?
• How does having a cellular phone affect the society?
• What is the role of smartphones in conducting business?
Students and Educational System
• What is the effect of standardized tests on students? Does it increases/decreases the number of those leaving schools?
• How does being highly intelligent affect students?
• How can ADHD change children’s lives?
• Why do students think studying is boring?
• Do iPads and other modern devices make lessons more interesting and help students learn the educational material better?
• How does reading books on a computer affect students’ performance? Does reading printed books better?
• What is the influence of homeschooling on students?
• How does charter or magnet schools affect the educational program in your city?
• Are programs against school bullying effective? How do they help improve the situation at schools?
• Do boys and girls achieve better results in studies when they study separately?
• The pros and cons of wearing a school uniform. How does a school uniform affect students’ behavior?
• What is the role of an open school campus?
• How does a year-round schooling influence students?
• Why do teachers lose interest in their profession?
• Why do some educational establishments fail to teach students properly?
• Why a lot of American students get worse results in tests than those from other countries?
• What is the impact of fine arts on students?
• How does a decent physical education affect students from elementary schools?
• Do longer schools days have positive effect on students?
• What is the role of parents in education? Does involving parents in the educational process make sense?
• What were the causes of the Civil War?
• How did slavery influence the society of the USA?
• What caused a great interest to feminism in the 1960s and 1970s?
• How did the WWII affect the soldiers?
• How did the WWII influence the Jewish people?
• What was the effect of Christianity on the Roman empire?
• What were the causes of the Arab Spring? How can the effects of the Arab Spring be identified today?
• As it is known, soldiers were educated according to the GI Bill. What was the impact of the mentioned law one the educational establishments of the USA?
• How did colonialism affect Great Britain?
• What were the roots of colonialism? How did the colonialism affect the society?
• How does Great Britain identify the causes and effects of the US Revolution?
• What made the drug war in Columbia start?
• What are the causes of illegal immigration?
• How does immigration impact a particular country?
• How do online sales influence companies in a specific country?
• How did the printed press (or any other invention) influence the world’s history?
• Has globalization affected the position of women in the society?
• What are the consequences of the US drone attacks on citizens and terrorists?
• What caused the ruination of the World Trade Center on September 9, 2011?
• What has made North Korea grow its militancy?
Keep in mind that it is very important to select a good essay topic for cause and effect essay type. An appropriately chosen subject will help you gather enough information about the discussed matter, analyze it in detail and support your ideas with strong arguments. Moreover, a correctly picked topic will help you impress readers with your work.
In case you find yourself unable to write an exclusive essay of such type, feel free to contact our online company. Our highly experienced writers can examine thoroughly any essay topics. Remember that we are always ready to give you a helping hand with producing an excellent piece of writing.