Business Report Example

Business report example can help you to learn how to write your business reports effectively even after having a brief discussion with your business partners or your boss. In fact, business report is a broad term and usually refers to any formal report written for any specific business purpose. Thus, even a meeting with your boss can require a business report, which you can learn to write faster with our formal business report examples. You may also be interested in business report example for students if you are still a student. Please follow up.

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Business Analysis Example Report

Presented in this article business analysis example report has some features that make it prominent among other reports. They are as follows:

  • Purposefulness – a report has a specific purpose (proposal, proposition, or just a general report).
  • Business report is always rational with no abstractions. 
  • Business report is time framed, as the time of any task execution has to be specified in it. 
  • The need in a backup plan, which helps to understand the initial objectives. 
  • A protocol with definitions, rules, and internal norms can also be included.

Therefore, our business analysis example report is successful only because it consists of Aim, Rationality, Time-Frame, Backup Plan, and Protocol (so called A.R.T.B.P).

Follow our Business Report Sample

Our business report sample has around 10 elements arranged in such a way that they fulfill all features mentioned above. This business report format example will help you to build up a consistent report. Thus, 10 business report sample’s segments are as follows:

  • Title 
  • Letter of Transmittal
  • Table of Contents
  • Summary/Synopsis
  • Introduction
  • Discussion 
  • Conclusions 
  • Recommendations
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices

Here we provide you with a simple short business report sample. Though, actual business reports need to be longer providing more detailed information.

Report on Shipping-Crate Homes Project

1. Business Report Example Introduction

  • Title: Shipping-Crate Homes Project Initiative
  • Objective: Analyze the compiled data for Shipping-Crate Homes Project development considering its possible location and address.
  • Report prepared by: Dr. Den Jefferson, CEO Shipping Home Projects, Northern Facility Group.
  • Key Contents: Propositions, detailed plans, execution schedules, and analysis of the idea of Shipping-Crate homes construction first introduced by Dr. Thomas Lee, Northern Facility Group.
  • Time for Analysis and Reports: 3 weeks.
  • Implementation Time: 12 months 
  • Assumptions: Execution time is set considering the seasonal changes in climate and some financial issues.

2. Letter of transmittal

Letter of transmittal is attached to our business analysis example report. It serves to prove that Dr. Lee’s business report consists of all the features any report should have.

3. Table of Contents

  • Summary and Synopsis 
  • Introduction
  • Discussion and Details
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations

4. Summary and Synopsis

The Shipping-Crate Homes Project Initiative is in the process of realization of the Northern Facility Group. The main objective of the project is to construct cozy little high-tech buildings. The Northern Facility Group aims to build a big residential estate around 30 acres of land with some 100 self-sufficient houses.

5. Discussion and Details

Here are some details and decisions taken during the meeting of cost accountants, company architects, project engineers, and others.

6. Conclusion

The Shipping-Crate Homes Project team makes positive recommendations about the project and insists that it should executed in the shortest time possible due to the consistent rise of high-tech buildings.

7. Recommendation

For reducing the cost of operations to $450 per month, which is quite attractive for the future residents, the Shipping-Crate Homes Project team needs to research more and develop a new strategy of attracting more residents.

In order to keep track of the project’s development a business progress report example can come in handy. Business annual report example is also helpful for monitoring the annual progress of the project. If you want to know the way appendices are filled out, business report appendix example will be of much aid.

Good luck with your business reports!